Welcome to India Trust

Vision Values


HRD AS A NATIONAL AGENDA – making a difference Our aim is to help make the INDIA a better place for everyone to live in, and support its success in the world. We want to be the best at everything we do. In support of successive development, we will:

  • Act with integrity, propriety and impartiality, and select on merit.
  • Put the people’s interests first
  • Achieve results of high quality and good value
  • Show leadership and take personal responsibility
  • Value the people we work with and their diversity
  • Innovate and learn
  • Work in partnership
  • Be professional in all we do

BEHAVIOURS TO GIVE EXPRESSION TO THE VALUES Act with integrity, propriety, and impartiality, and select on merit

When we do this well, we…

Assist the current development process, whatever its demographic complexion
Respect the common standards and principles that bind us together as social servants
Comply with the law and uphold the social justice
Base our advice on objective analysis of the evidence
Use fund properly, effectively and efficiently
Use merit as the only measure for selection of partners
Uphold the ethical service code..

When we do this well, we…

Misuse our position or information acquired through it
Are negligent in spending the fund
Allow our personal views to cloud our judgement
Frustrate the effective implementation of decisions by the development on policies and services
Betray the priniciples of social services

Put the people’s interests first

When we do this well, we…

Know who are our beneficiaries are and what their needs are
Put ourselves in our benefician shoes
Give benefician the quality of service that we would expect ourselves
Are courteous and helpful, even when under pressure
Involve people in governance, actively gathering their views as we develop policy and deliver services
Mediate when there are conflicting interests and find a way forward

When we do this badly, we...

Don’t respond to what the people want from us
Focus on policy and procedure and the ‘way things have always been done’, rather than reaching an outcome that both we and the people will regard as a success
Develop and deliver policy and services without listening to the people
Are rude, obstructive or unhelpful Fail to publicise and live up to clear standards of service.

Achieve results of high quality and good value

When we do this well, we...

Define a successful outcome and plan how we might achieve it
Take decisive action
Aim to achieve the best possible results
Think creatively
Anticipate problems and show drive and determination to overcome obstacles
Review performance and make improvements where possible
Celebrate success

When we do this badly, we…

Act before thinking things through
Lack focus and direction
Fail to deliver work on time or within budget
Rest on our laurels
Give up when the going gets tough
Don’t encourage feedback or monitor performance

Show leadership and take personal responsibility

When we do this well, we..

Lead by example
Understand and communicate the bigger picture and our role within it
Work within our teams to generate enthusiasm, commitment and respect
Show drive and determination
Are prepared to challenge and to be challenged
Take action to improve things
Manage our time and organise our work effectively
Manage risk and accept responsibility
Look to the future

When we do this badly, we...

Focus on the short-term
Are blinkered and driven by our own priorities
Emphasise problems, rather than look for solutions
Look for others to blame
Don’t practice what we preach

Value the people we work with and their diversity

When we do this well, we…

Use people’s talents and encourage them to develop their potential
Respect and support those around us
Involve others in our work
Give and encourage feedback
Listen to others’ views and give credit where due
Don’t practice what we preach
Trust others to do a good job
Encourage a healthy balance between work and home life
Understand and work with the different approaches different people may take
Actively promote equality of opportunity

When we do this badly, we...

Unaware of, or insensitive to, the needs and feelings of others
Try to run the show ourselves
Demand, rather than earn, respect
Fail to make best use of people’s talents and potential
Talk rather than listen
View difference, change and challenge as a threat

Innovate and learn

When we do this well, we…

See learning as part of life for everyone Understand our own strengths and areas to develop
Develop our own skills throughout our careers
Are open to new ways of working and new ideas from whatever source
Look for and champion better ways of doing things
Take managed risks
Review performance, gather feedback, and learn lessons from mistakes and successes
Measure ourselves against the best
Share learning with others
Use information and communications technology to improve the way we work

When we do this badly, we...

are closed to new possibilities and opportunities and shutdown new ideas
stay stuck in a rut and stick with what we know – ‘we’ve always done it this way’
don’t recognize our own developmental needs
don’t value learning
See training and development as something that is done to us
Move form task to task without review and so don’t benefit form experience
Blame people for mistakes, rather than learning lessons

Work in partnership

When we do this well, we…

understand how everybody contributes to the shared goal
share objectives
work co-operatively with others to achieve the best possible outcome
Build and support networks
Use influencing and persuading skills to achieve objectives
Mediate conflicts to get to a win-win situation
Gain knowledge and experience of the world around us
Share good practice and solutions

When we do this badly, we...

Ignore other’ interests
Fail to win respect and to be heard
Feather our own nest at the expense of others
Compromise to the lowest common denominator
Listen to the loudest rather than the truest voice
Keep information to ourselves

Be professional in all we do

When we do this well, we…

Implement policy and take decisions to reflect leader’s wishes
Get best value for fund
Do the best possible job we can
Are honest, fair and impartial
Understand the wider impact of our decisions
Take time to think about our work and how we do it
Evaluate the effectiveness of our work
Measure ourselves against the best

When we do this badly, we...

Accept mediocre performance from ourselves and others
Base our decisions and advice on assumptions
Tell others what we think they want to hear
Ignore the bigger picture
Don’t look to improve on the way we do things

Be open and communicate well

When we do this well, we…

Are aware of, and make best use of, communicative tools
Give people promptly and helpfully the information they are entitled to
Help people to understand policies and practices
Explain things clearly
Listen, as well as talk
Are approachable and helpful
Show courtesy, sensitivity and tact
Persuade and influence others, rather than telling them
Think about our audience
Think about the best way to get our message across

When we do this badly, we...

Keep information to ourselves without good reason
Use ways of communicating that we are comfortable with, rather than the best way
Fail to grasp what others are trying to say
Are seen as rude, frosty, tactless, or aloof
Write or speak in more complicated language than is needed
Are economical with the truth


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